Please give yourself at least 24 hours to think about it, because there's a small part of you that knows your wrong. Feelings alone will not kill you but they will definitely cloud your judgement.
I'm sharing my story in case it might help someone feel less alone.
I remember my first suicide ideation like it happened yesterday. It was May 1991. I was about to turn 10 years old and I was more than ready to end it all. I had had enough of living with my alcoholic parents who seemed to hate me. I just couldn't stomach one more insult, one more painful reminder that I wasn't wanted.
There were four bars in our little town and I knew each of their phone numbers by heart. My parents were never home. Instead they'd go out to the bars most nights. I would wait until I couldn't stand it and then start calling, usually around midnight. The bartenders would usually put my mom on the phone but sometimes they'd lie for her. That was the worst. My heart would be pounding. Not only was it dark outside but I was home alone with my little sister.
"Hey JoDee!!" I'd hear the bartender shout over the music, "phone's for ya". "Huh? Ugh, tell her I'm not here" my mom would slur back. "Haven't seen her" they'd casually tell a terrified kid looking for their mom.
When they made it home they'd be completely trashed. For as poor as we were I have no idea how they afforded their booze. Not only did they drink at bars but the fridge was perpetually stocked with beer and boxed wine, the cupboard with vodka. If they didn't pass out they'd end up in a huge, violent fight. I would try to get them to stop, then I'd call 911.
So when my birthday was nearing I couldn't fathom why I should stick around. I would do chores until the drama started. Patiently waiting for the alcohol to kick in and hate to emanate from my step-dad, Mike. It seemed he hated my guts and could never quite control that intense feeling from surfacing every moment I was in his presence. My mom was a little better, she'd make sure I was fed dinner. But she couldn't contain her disdain for me. I ruined her childhood and I was a pain in the ass. I had been colichy, bit her toe once really hard and was too smart for my own good. I constantly had her on her toes which she really didn't appreciate.
My plan had been to shoot myself in the head on my 10th birthday. The pistol I was going to use was kept in the hall closet with ammunition. I wrote my suicide note that morning before school. I said goodbye to my little sister. I loved her to death but knew she, like the rest of the world, would be better off without a bad person like me.
When I arrived home from school Mike was already there. He got off work early that day. I couldn't believe it, he was never home early. I took it as a sign that I shouldn't kill myself. So I didn't until October 2005.
It's not that I didn't think about suicide after my first botched attempt. I would find myself entertaining the idea often. I felt it every time I was banished to my room for the day. Doesn't sound so bad, and it wouldn't have been, but I could overhear from my room all the nasty comments my parents made about me. It's tough to be criticized. It's excruciating when it comes from those that are supposed to love you. The thought that constantly crossed my mind was "If my mom doesn't love me, who will?". I didn't have an answer but I knew it certainly wasn't me.
Four years later I attended homecoming with my new boyfriend, Jacob. He was a junior that drove his own car and offered me a ride to school. One morning he brought a dozen roses with him and asked me to the dance. I ecstatically said yes, trying to conceal how lucky I felt to carry roses with me to school that day.
I brought my homecoming pictures with me to visit my family three hours South. Dad loved them but when I asked if I could take them to my cousin's place my dad said no. He was adamant that I not see him. My cousin had been in a lot of trouble lately and I felt that he needed his family to support him but dad disagreed.
After dad left my grandma gave me a ride to my cousin's house anyway. I showed my cousin my Homecoming pictures, excited to show him my new boyfriend. I brought my new Alannis Morrisette CD with me as well, not realizing it would be the soundtrack of my rape, my first sexual experience.
I was horribly ashamed. I didn't speak more than a few words to anyone until I saw Jacob two days later. Being the upstanding and responsible person he is, Jacob dragged me to the counselor's office. I was then sent to the police station for a report and the hospital to have my genitals probed with a magnifying glass by a group of nurses. The shame seemed to never end.
My grandparents were notified and made the decision to never tell my dad what happened. To say I felt horrible would be a huge understatement. Not only did I disobey my dad, but my cousin, who he already had issues with, raped me while I disobeyed him. It was a double whammy.
The only time I ventured South during the next year was for the deposition. My grandparents told everyone they were going to the beach so no one would know I was in town. I felt like a shameful secret.
Even though you might think you're right about this doesn't mean you can't talk it out with someone in the meantime. You're worth that, every single person is worth a conversation. 1.800.273.8255 to talk it out.
Thank you for sharing your story. I tried many times thank God was unsuccessful. I list my beautiful goddaughter 9 years ago 10 days after she turned 19. She started talking about wanting to die at 5yrs old. I never thought until her and you people so young thought about it. I pray you never think about it again. Please know it will tear your sister up. I did not realize how it was to be left behind until I went through it. My last words to her 4 days before were how amazing I thought he was and how much I loved her. I still wonder if I could have done something different or more
ReplyDeleteWow, I read your story at an incredible time. I've contemplated suicide countless times. I've even thought of different ways. I've had therapy, medication, all the works.. and yet nothing fills the void I feel inside. I was also diagnosed with Bipolar 2, borderline, ptsd, and I'm sure I have major depressive disorder as well as high, high major anxiety. The thing is, I'm scared of the unknown. Of death. I lost my mom, sister, and baby and had a similar experience to yours at their funerals. Thank you for sharing your story and still being here. You made a difference in someone's life. I hope knowing that makes a difference in yours. Stay strong. So much easier said than done.. but you are loved, needed, and wanted.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your heartbreaking story. I wish there was a way for me to clinb through my phone, because if there was, I would give you the biggest hug and tell you that are are worth it. You are worth love and compassion. You are worth understanding. You are worth kind words and friendship. You are worth it!! Please keep fighting and know that I will be thinking about you and praying for your every breath.
Thank you so much for your story and honesty. My name is Christina, and I have had major depression since I was 13. I am 39 now and still have major depression and thoughts of suicide almost every day. I am a recovering alcoholic and Drug user. I am ashamed to say, but I am using drugs again as it is the only thing to fill the void and numb the pain. I am a cutter. And one time when I slit my wrists, I said goodbye to my son and was going to hide somewhere all alone and let myself die. I don't know if it's unfortunate or not, but that did not happen. The police were called and I had to go to the hospital. I have begged God to take my life so many times. I have written several suicide, goodbye notes. About seven or eight months ago I took probably a hundred fifty sleeping or muscle relaxer pills trying to end my life. But then I got scared and went and throwing up. The only thing that stops me today from going through with it is my four-year-old daughter. I would hate to leave her alone especially with my mother. I know that is sad to say but my mother does not like me either. I get no support from my family and no understanding of my problems, depression and the struggle inside of my head that I have every day that I want to die. I have no more dreams or hopes, I do not enjoy anything anymore. I feel like I can't in you asleep get kicked over and over while I am down. There is no more fight in me left. I want to give up leave this world. I don't want to feel this pain anymore, or any longer. It has been too long, over 20 years now. Sometimes in my own head, I am ashamed to say this but I wish I didn't have my daughter. That way I could go ahead and die. And I feel so disgusted at myself for even saying that. She is my life and the reason I am still breathing. But I can't help feeling that way sometimes. I just want this pain and loneliness and heartache to go away. And suicide is the only answer I can think of.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. Life is hard, and it's not fair how much harder it is for some than for others.
ReplyDeleteI totally relate.... I never imagined that I wasn't alone.. I still struggle everyday and it sucks.. I know exactly how you feel.. I love you though and I wished we could be friends so maybe we could help each other.
ReplyDeleteYou know I feel the exact same way as you... I thought I was the only one that felt this way especially about my children... It sucks but I feel all alone in this world