
Monday, January 29, 2018

DBH Facts

2010-2011: I was a patient at Discovery Behavioral Health (known as Jefferson Mental Health at the time). I saw a therapist for around 5 sessions and didn't really connect but continued to see the medication provider until I moved in 2011

2015: Moved back and went to Peninsula Behavioral Health in a neighboring county this time.  Was assigned a 55 male therapist going through a divorce that was sexually-inappropriate with me.  His behavior escalated over time.  In the beginning I asked him to stop.  He didn't.  Then I reported him to the med provider, she told me to give him a compliment sandwich.  Eventually he told me explicitly what he wanted.  I immediately reported him to the Director of Discovery Behavioral Health, Rue, where I had been a patient in 2010/2011. I told her because I didn't trust his facility after they told me to give him a compliment sandwich.  I also called Rue a few days later because that therapist wouldn't stop calling me and his facility told me they couldn't leave their desk to go ask him to stop.  I eventually sued Peninsula Behavioral Health because he wasn't fired.  We settled out of court for 50k in 2016 after he was fired.

4/18/2017: I had been doing really bad for months.  Not showering, eating, cleaning, laundry.  Was extremely suicidal.  Was found by police/ambulance after my mom had them track my phone and taken to emergency room via ambulance.  DMHP (county professional that decides what to do) let me leave the hospital as long as I agreed to go to Discovery Behavioral Health as it's only option when on medicaid. I happily agreed.  My mom had met me at the hospital and is my only support person in my life.  I had been stressing her out with emotional outbursts begging her to let me die. She was visibly relieved about me going to DBH. I warned her not to get her hopes up.

4/20/2017: I was called at 9 am by a 'crisis coordinator' claiming that I could not go to my 10 am intake because Rue said my medicaid was set to the neighboring county (my mailing address is in the neighboring county). I tried to explain that she was wrong,  I had had it switched in December 2016 so I could see my medical doctor.  The crisis coordinator wouldn't listen to me and I hung up in complete crisis.  All I could think about was walking down my driveway to Highway 101 and stepping in front of a semi because I knew I was a burden to my mom and I couldn't disappoint her and tell her there was no help for me.

I called Discovery Behavioral Health back and asked for Rue, the director and the person I reported my sexually-inappropriate therapist.   I told her who I was and begged for help.  My emotions were out of control, I was furious and begging for to let me be seen.  I told her I was going to step in front of a semi but she still said no.

I tried calling the DMHP but couldn't get ahold of them.

I walked down to Highway 101. I called Discovery Behavioral Health and spoke to the crisis line. I told them who I was and what I was doing and hung up.

I was walking to the bottom of the hill to get hit by the fastest semi possible when a sheriff stopped and eventually took me to the emergency room. 

Since I couldn't go to Discovery Behavior Health and I had medicaid, the DMHP on duty found me a bed at a psych ward where I spent 12 days adjusting to new meds.

My mom called Discovery Behavioral Health after she found out I was in the hospital to find out what happened and they told her I cancelled my appointment.  Fortunately you don't have to choose who to believe bc I have an app on my phone that records all my conversations (bc of memory issue due to meds).

5/9/2017- I had a suspicion that I want allowed to be seen because I had reported the sexual therapist and eventually sued Peninsula Behavioral Health. I called Discovery Behavioral Health and asked if a friend from another county could be seen if she was in crisis/suicidal and the crisis counselor said she could absolutely be seen, no problem.  I told him who I was and asked him to have Rue call me.  She never did.

6/1/2017: I contacted ombudsman and submitted a grievance stating that I was being discriminated against and felt unsafe knowing my only option for behavioral health would not help me. 

8/2017: received letter stating my grievance was reviewed and noted.

1/7/2018: Was taken to emergency room against my will by sheriff for stating to my mom I wanted to die.  I had used DBT skills to calm down and was no longer suicidal. 

1/8/2018: called sheriff's to explain what happened and told them how awesome the sheriff was on 4/20/2017 that saved my life.  The sheriff I spoke to was curious who it had been on 4/20/2017 and checked the 911 loss and could not find a call that day,  just the call on 4/18/2017 from my mom.

1/19/2018: Dawned on me that Discovery Behavioral Health had not called 911 on 4/20/17 even though I was in imminent danger.  The sheriff that saved me just happened to be driving by, which now makes sense why he was so confused.  At the time I was so distraught I never realized what had happened, I thought that even though Discovery Behavioral Health wouldn't let be seen at least they called 911. 

So I called Discovery Behavioral Health and asked if they kept a record of calling 911 and when she said yes, I had her check my records to see if they had for me on 4/20/17.  She couldn't find any record of me at all in the computer but told me she had heard of me.  When I asked why they refused to help me and why they hadn't called 911 she got gruff and told me she couldn't help me.  I have this call recorded, too.

Damages: 12 days inpatient that I wouldn't have had to do if they would have seen me.  Extreme emotional stress. I'm *so* lucky to be alive.  I feel unsafe knowing there is no help for me besides unnecessary hospitilizaton if I become suicidal and am on medicaid. I feel retaliated against for reporting the sexually-inappropriate therapist and suing to get him fired and protect others.

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